44 habits that can disturb your health according to Ayurveda.

If do you have any one of the following habits than it can disturb your health sooner or later, according to Ayurveda.

1) Nitya Avyayam –  Daily No exercise,  hate exercise, late wake up in morning. 

2) Atyambhupan – the Excessive drinking of water at a time. (Especially after wake in morning) 

3) Dugdhpaan – the Habitual drinking of excessive Tea + Milk or Milk + breakfast.

4) Morning 8 am Breakfast and 9 am lunch 

5) Habitual eating of Banana, cashew nuts, Figs, Almond even without a digested previous meal. 

6) Drinking water before the meal.

7) Drinking water immediately after a meal ( 500-700ml), or drinking water after straight 1 hour (500ml).

8) Eating fruits after a meal.

9) Not eating anything during the sensation of hunger.

10) Daytime sleep after the meal.

11) Only drinking water till a lunch or a dinner without eating anything

12) Morning milk for breakfast and 10 am lunch.

13) Having fruits or fruit juices in the afternoon

14)  Having tea or milkshakes in the afternoon

15) Consuming junk food in the evening without having the previous meal digested and yet having the dinner

16) Drinking of milk 200 ml while bedtime (After dinner)

17) Weekly eat 3 to 4 times 50 to 100 gm peanuts. 

18) Daily Milk + Rice 

19) Daily coconut water

20) Daily intake of 1 or 2 cucumbers.

21) Daily consumption of Curd.

22) Daily Jaggery  or Jalebi, Pedha, Rabadi (Indian sweets)

23)Excessive of Intake of Paneer (Cottage Cheese).

24) Daily intake of  Peanuts + jaggery.

25) Habitual intake of Sprouts.

26) Daily Limbu Pani (Lime Juice) 

27) Excessive intake of potato, rice.

28) Excessive intake of salt with rice.

29) Habitual intake of Non-veg food. (All types of non-veg food Including eggs)

30) Excessive consumption of Ghee. (If digestive fire is weak)

31) Regular drinking of tea (3-4 times a day)

32) Habitual eating of ice cream.

33) Drinking chilled water

34)  Excessive intake of dairy products and other foods made with milk.

35) Daily consumption of watermelon, muskmelon, cucumber in the summer season.

36) Raw vegetable intake. (without cooked)

37) Raw Sprouts intake minimum 50 gm daily.

38) Daily intake of 20-30gm sesame (til).

39) Excessive sugar intake. 

40) Habitual consumption of urad dal or urad dal foods.

41) An absence of bitter and pungent taste in the meal.

42) Fasting the entire day and breaking it with a heavy meal in the dinner

43) Only drinking water while fasting the entire day.

44) Consumption of alcohol and smoking.

All Above mentioned habits disturb equilibrium between vata, pitta and kaph which leads to any diseases.

We are trying to propagate Ayurveda such a way that every reader should get authentic knowledge of Ayurved direct from ancient texts so please do share this blog because always “sharing is caring”

“We need to support Ayurveda just like we did with Yoga”

(For Personal Ayurveda Consultation With DR. GAURAV DAVEE

Contact – drgauravdave17@hotmail.com)





Intoxicação alimentar e Ayurveda

No século 21 vemos que a intoxicação alimentar é algo muito comum, qual a solução que o Ayurveda deu para essa questão? Porém, Ayurveda explicou este tópico de maneira diferente. Isso pode nos ajudar muito nos tempos modernos. (Neste blog, mencionamos os termos em sânscrito, juntamente com uma tradução em português, assim o leitor pode conhecer as palavras em sânscritas, que é a lígua nativa da ìndia).

O Ayurveda tem 8 ramos de especializações, agadtantra é uma dessas ramificações que lida com a toxicologia.

Nos velhos tempos, o rei providenciava a residência do médico real perto do palácio para que o médico pudesse estar presente em todas as situações e em todos os momentos.

Os alimentos e bebidas do rei deviam ser protegidos contra venenos, porque a saúde e o bem do rei dependiam de sua comida e bebida e a saúde e o bem-estar do país dependiam do Rei.

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Acharyas (mestres) do Ayurveda realizaram um estudo muito profundo de tudo. Por conta disso mencionaram características de alimentos e bebidas envenenados. Eles poderiam reconhecer alimentos e bebidas envenenados sem qualquer tecnologia avançada, da mesma forma que agora também podemos usar isso em nossas atividades diárias.

Características de alimentos e bebidas envenenados

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Arroz cozido misturado com veneno:
1) Sandra – torna-se espesso;
2) Mesmo quando fervendo, os alimentos não transbordam da panela;
3) Chirena Pachyate – levam muito tempo para cozinhar;
4) Pakvo bhavati paryushitopama – depois de cozinhar, tornam-se úmidos e estragam  muito rápido;
5) Mayura Kantha Tulyoshma – emite vapor com a cor do pescoço do pavão (azul);
6) Moha moorcha prasekakrut – os vapores e fumaças do recipiente causam delírio desmaio e salivação excessiva;
7) Heeyate varna gandhadyaihi – perde rapidamente a sua cor original, odor, sabor e textura,
8) Klidyate chandrikachitaha – torna-se aguado e cheio de partículas reluzentes.

As laterais dos pratos secam rapidamente e tornam-se sujos;
As imagens reflexivas vistas neles parecem deficientes, malformadas, anormais ou não são vistas;
espuma e linhas aparecem na sua superfície e bordas; fios e bolhas podem aparecer; Raga (xaropes doces), Khandava (pudins doces), vegetais e carnes se quebram (as porções líquidas e sólidas se separam) e adquirem um gosto ruim.

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1) Neela Raji Rase – Linhas azuis aparecem na sopa de carne,
2) Tamra ksheere – linhas vermelhas no leite e
3)  Shyava dadhani – pretas na coalhada
4) Peeta Sita takre – linhas amareladas e brancas no soro do leite coalhado,
5)  Ghrute paaneeya sannibha – linhas aquosas no ghee,
6)  Mastuni syat kapotabha – pegion como raias aparecem em Mastu – Supernatent líquido de coalho (soro),
7) Raji krishna tushodake – linhas pretas e azuis em Tusodaka (bebida ácida preparada a partir de casca da cevada),
8) Kaali madya ambhasoho – linhas pretas em vinhos e água,
9) Harit taile arunopama – linhas verdes no mel e carmesim em óleos.
10) Os frutos não maduros amadurecem (rápido) e maduros tornam-se moles e se decompõem. As substâncias que são verdes e secas tornam-se duras na aparência e descoloridas.
11) Substâncias de alimentos macios tornam-se duros e vice-versa.
12) As flores da guirlanda se dividem em suas bordas, desaparecem e assumem cheiro não natural.
13) Manchas sujas aparecem no pano (vestido e outras roupas), seus fios caem.
14) Recipientes de metais, pérolas, madeira, pedras, pedras preciosas etc. tornam-se sujos, perdem o seu toque suave e brilho.
15) Os vasos de barro ganham suave toque e brilho.

Vishada Laksana (características da pessoa que coloca veneno)

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A pessoa que está prestes a envenenar alguém terá
1) Shyava Shushka Asya – rosto seco e descolorido
2) Vilaksho Veekshate dishaha – olhar desconfiado em todas as direções
3) Sveda vepathuman – sudorese e tremores
4) Trasta – cansado,
5) Bheeta – assustado
6) Skhalati – escorrega enquanto fala e anda
7) Jrumbhate – boceja freqüentemente

Teste de alimentos envenenados – Vishanna Pareeksha

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Ao lançar o alimento envenenado em chamas, ele emite um som crepitante, emite uma única chama, sem movimentos, a cor da fumaça se parece com a do pescoço do pavão (azul reluzente), às vezes a chama pode não aparecer. Isso causará a emissão de cheiro muito forte.

1) Mriyate Makshikaaha – ao comer tal comida, as abelhas morrem
2) Kaakaha kshaamasvaro bhavet – A voz do corvo se esgota
3) Parot, Dathyuha (pássaro gallinule) e Sarika (Mynah) começam a piar no alimento envenenado, apenas por vê-lo.
4) Hamsaha praskhalati – O cisne muda o movimento de sua marcha
5) Glaanih: jeevenjeevasya jaayate – Chukar fica exausto
6) Chakorasya akshivairaagyam – Os olhos do faisão de Greeh ficam vermelhos
7) Kraunchasya madodaya: – A garça-real da lagoa fica intoxicada
Pigeon (pombo), Parabhrit (Cuco) e Chaktravaaka perdem a vida
8) UdvegaM yaati maarjaara: – o gato fica irritado, excitado

9) Shakrun munchati vanara: – macaco defeca
Depois de confirmar o alimento envenenado pelos métodos mencinados acima, ele deve ser descartado cuidadosamente.

Doenças causadas por alimentos envenenados –

Efeitos externos:

O toque em alimentos envenenados produz coceira e irritação, sensação de queimação em todo o corpo, sensação de queimação no local do toque, febre, dor, erupções, perda de sensação tátil, queda de unhas, cabelos e inchaço.

O tratamento deve ser: banho (lavar), com água processada com drogas anti-venenosas, aplicação de pasta de Sevya (Ushira), Candana (sândalo), Padmaka – Cereja Himalaia Selvagem (madeira de coração) – Prunus puddum / cerasoides; Somavalka , Talisa Patra – Cinnamomum tamala, Kushta (Saussurea lappa), Amrita (Tinospora) e Nata – Valeriana wallichi.

Efeito local na cavidade oral:

O alimento envenenado dentro da boca provoca excesso de salivação, inatividade da língua e dos lábios, sensação de queimação, formigamento dos dentes, incapacidade de perceber o gosto e a rigidez da mandíbula inferior.

O tratamento deve ser gargarejo com água processada com Sevya – Khus Khus – Vetiveria zizanioides e outras drogas mencionadas anteriormente e todas as outras terapias para a boca que são anti-venenosas.

Ao chegar ao estômago, produz transpiração, desmaio, flatulência, toxicidade, vertigem, arrepios, vômitos, sensação de queimação, perda de movimento dos olhos e do coração e aparecimento de pontos pretos em todo o corpo.
Alcançando os intestinos produz vômitos de muitas cores, excesso de urina, purgação, sonolência, emaciação, palidez, aumento do abdômen e perda de força.
Para ambas as condições, o paciente deve administrar Vamana (emese) e Virechana (terapias de purgação), seguido de Nasya (medicação nasal), Anjana (colirio) e beber decocção preparada a partir de Haridra – Curcuma Longa e Daruharidra (Berberis aristata), Jyotishmati  – Celastrus paniculata, Guda-rapadura, Sinduvarita, Nispava, Baspika, Sataparvika, raízes de Tanduliyaka, Kukkutanda – ovo de galinha e Avalguja – Psoralea corylifolia para aliviar o efeito do veneno.

Hrid Vishodhana – Gara Visha Chikitsa – Tratamento para desintoxicar o coração e tratar envenenamento crônico:

Quando há envenenamento, os primeiros tratamentos são vômito e purgação  para remover o veneno remanescente no intestino. Então, para limpar e desintoxicar o coração, Tamra bhasma (cobre Bhasma purificado) é administrada ao paciente. Depois disso, Swarna bhasma (purificado ouro Bhasma) é administrado por um longo período de tempo. Por essa administração de Swarna por muito tempo, o corpo torna-se tão puro quanto o ouro. O termo usado para isso é ‘Hemapanga’.

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Na Sajjate Hemapange padmapatre ambuvat visham ||

Em uma pessoa que recebeu muito tempo o ouro purificado em forma de Bhasma, o veneno não pode causar dano, a uma gota de água que não pode tocar a folha do lótus. A pessoa ganha vida longa. O mesmo tratamento é seguido em Gara Visha (envenenamento crônico).

NOTA – Informações escritas em um blog apenas para fins de conhecimento, um deve tomar conselhos do médico ou terapeuta Ayurveda, não tome nenhum tratamento ou medicação sem o especialista em Ayurveda.

Estamos tentando propagar Ayurveda de tal forma que todo leitor deve obter conhecimento autêntico do Ayurved diretamente dos textos antigos, por favor, compartilhe esses blogs porque sempre “compartilhar é cuidar” (Sharing is Caring)

                  “Precisamos apoiar o Ayurveda como fizemos com o Yoga Shastra”

tradução em português pelo “Prof.Mario JP Neto”.




In the 21st century often we can see food poisoning is common, so did  Ayurveda give any solution on food poisoning? and Answer is yes. But Ayurveda explained this topic in a different manner. may that can help us in the 21st century.  (In this blog we mentioned Sanskrit words  along with an English translation of words, the intention behind this reader can know Sanskrit words which are our Indian native language)

Ayurveda has 8 specialised branches, out to 8 branches “AGADTANTRA” is one of the important branches which deals with Toxicology.

In ancient time king arranges for the residence of the royal physician near to the palace so that the physician can be vigilant about all things at all times.

The foods and drinks of the king should be protected from poison, because, the King’s health and welfare depend on his food and drink and the health and welfare of the country are dependant on the King.

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Acharyas of Ayurveda did so much deep of study of every thing because of that they mentioned Features of poisoned foods and drinks. They could recognise poisoned food and drink without any advance technology, same way now days also we can use this in daily activity.

Features of poisoned foods and drinks –

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Boiled rice mixed with poison
1) Sandra  – becomes thick,
2) Even when it is boiling, the contends do not overflow from the vessel.
3) Chirena Pachyate – takes a long time to cook,
4) Pakvo bhavati paryushitopama – after cooking it becomes moist and stale, very soon
5) Mayura Kantha Tulyoshma – emits steam with the colour of the peacock’s neck (blue),
6) Moha moorcha prasekakrut – the steams and fumes from the container causes delusion, fainting and excessive salivation.
7) Heeyate varna gandhadyaihi – quickly loses its original colour, odour, taste, texture,
8) Klidyate chandrikachitaha – becomes watery and full of glistening particles.

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The side-dishes dry up quick and become dirty.
reflective images seen in them appear deficient, malformed, abnormal or not seen at all;
froth and lines appear on their surface and edges, threads and bubbles are likely to appear. Raga (sweet syrups), Khandava (sweet puddings), vegetables and meat become broken (liquid and solid portions get separated) and acquire a bad taste.

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  1. Neela Raji Rase – Blue lines appear in meat soup,
  2. Tamra ksheere – coppery red lines in milk
  3. Shyava dadhani – black ones in curds
  4. Peeta Sita takre – yellowish-white lines in buttermilk,
  5. Ghrute paaneeya sannibha – watery lines on ghee,
  6. Mastuni syat kapotabha – pegion like streaks appear on Mastu – Supernatent liquid of curds (whey),
  7. Raji krishna tushodake – blue-black lines on Tusodaka (sour drink prepared from barley husk),
  8. Kaali madya ambhasoho – black lines on wines and water,
  9. Harit taile arunopama – green lines in honey and crimson lines on oils.
  10. Unripe fruits ripen (fast) and ripe ones become overripe and decomposed.
    Substances which are green and dry become dull in appearance and discoloured.
  11. Soft food substances become hard and vice versa.
  12. The flowers of the garland become split at their edges, fade and assume unnatural smell.
  13. Dirty patches appear on cloth (dress and other apparels), its threads and hems fall out.
  14. Vessels prepared from metals, pearls, wood, stone, precious stones etc. become dirty, and lose their smooth touch and lustre.
  15. Mud vessels gain smooth touch and lustre.

Vishada Laksana (features of the person who puts poison)

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The person who is about to poison someone will have
1) Shyava shushka Asya – dry and discoloured face
2) Vilaksho Veekshate dishaha – eccentrically looks in all directions
3) Sveda vepathuman – sweating and tremors
4) Trasta – tired,
5) Bheeta – frightened
6) Skhalati – slips while talking and walking
7) Jrumbhate – yawns frequently

Testing of poisoned foods – Vishanna Pareeksha

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Upon throwing the poisoned food on fire, it emits crackling sound, the flame emits as a single pile, without whirls, the colour of smoke resembles to that of peacock’s neck (glistening blue), sometimes the flame may not come up at all. It will cause emitting of very foul and strong smell

  1. Mriyate Makshikaaha – upon eating such food, bees die
  2. Kaakaha kshaamasvaro bhavet – Crow voice becomes depleted
  3. Parrot, Dathyuha (gallinule bird) and Sarika (Mynah) start hooting at the poisoned food just by seeing it.
  4. Hamsaha praskhalati – Swan changes its gait
  5. Glaanih: jeevenjeevasya jaayate – Chukar gets exhausted
  6. Chakorasya akshivairaagyam – Greeh pheasant’s eyes turn red
  7. Kraunchasya madodaya: – Pond heron becomes intoxicated
  8. Pigeon, Parabhrit (Cuckoo) and Chaktravaaka lose their life
  9. UdvegaM yaati maarjaara: – cat becomes irritated, excited
  10. Shakrun munchati vanara: – monkey defecates

After confirming the poisoned food by above methods, it should be disposed away carefully.

Diseases caused by poisoned food –

External effects:

The touch of poisoned foods produces itching and irritation, burning sensation all over the body, burning sensation at the site of touch, fever, pain, eruptions, loss of tactile sensation, falling of the nails and hairs and swelling.

The treatment shall be bathing (washing), pouring with water processed with anti-poisonous drugs, application of paste of Sevya (Ushira), Candana (sandalwood), Padmaka – Wild Himalayan Cherry (heart wood) – Prunus puddum / cerasoides;, Somavalka, Talisa Patra – Cinnamomum tamala, Kushta (Saussurea lappa), Amrita (Tinospora) and Nata – Valeriana wallichi.

Local effect in oral cavity:

Poisoned food inside mouth causes an excess of salivation, inactivity of the tongue and lips, burning sensation, tingling of the teeth, inability to perceive taste and
the stiffness of the lower jaw.

The treatment shall be mouth gargling with water processed with Sevya – Khus Khus – Vetiveria zizanioides and other drugs mentioned earlier and all other therapies for the mouth which are anti-poisonous.

Reaching stomach it produces sweating, fainting, flatulence, toxicity, giddiness, horripilations, vomiting, burning sensation, loss of movement of the eyes and heart, and appearance of black dots all over the body.
Reaching of the intestines it produces vomiting of many colours, an excess of urination, purgation, drowsiness, emaciation, pallor, enlargement of the abdomen and loss of strength.
For both these conditions the patient should be administered Vamana (emesis) and Virechana (purgation therapies), followed by Nasya (nasal medication), Anjana (collyriums) and drinking of decoction prepared from Haridra – Turmeric Rhizome – Curcuma Longa, and Daruharidra (Berberis aristata), Katabhi – Celastrus paniculata, Guda- jaggery, Sinduvarita, Nispava, Baspika,
Sataparvika, roots of Tanduliyaka, Kukkutanda – hen’s egg and Avalguja – Psoralea corylifolia to relieve the effect of the poison.

Hrid Vishodhana – Gara Visha Chikitsa – Treatment to detoxify heart and to treat chronic poisoning:

When there is poisoning, first vomiting and purgation therapy is conducted to remove remnant poison in the gut. Then, to cleanse and detoxify heart, Tamra bhasma (purified Copper Bhasma)  is administered to the patient. After that, Swarna bhasma (purified Gold Bhasma) is administered for a long period of time. By such Swarna administration for a long time, the body becomes as pure as Gold. The term used for this is ‘Hemapanga’.

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Na Sajjate Hemapange padmapatre ambuvat visham ||

In a person who has been given Purified Gold bhasma for a long time, the poison can not do any harm, to a water drop that can not touch the leaf of the lotus. The person gains long life. The same treatment is followed in Gara Visha (chronic poisoning) also.

Note – Information written on a blog for the knowledge purpose only, one should take advice from nearest Ayurveda physician, do not take any treatment or medication without Ayurveda expert.

We are trying to propagate Ayurveda such a way that every reader should get authentic knowledge of Ayurved direct from ancient texts so please do share this blogs because always “sharing is caring”

“We need to support Ayurveda just like we did with Yog Shastra”