habitualmente consumo de café é importante causa da constipação de acordo com ayurveda

nos países ocidentais, as pessoas bebem muito café puro por exemplo, 2 a 5 vezes ao dia por muitos anos. muitas pessoas têm queixas de saúde comuns que são constipação. deixe-me explicar-lhe a qualidade do café de acordo com ayurveda e o efeito no corpo.

o ayurveda dá mais importância à Guna (qualidade) dos alimentos ou bebidas, porque o efeito dos alimentos ou bebidas em nosso corpo depende da comida de qualidade que comemos todos os dias. Em outras palavras, o ayurveda não dá muita importância ao valor nutricional de carboidratos, proteínas e vitaminas, porque nossa ciência do ayurveda mil anos mais antiga que a ciência médica moderna que cronometra pessoas e alimentos reconhecidos pela qualidade.


  • café tem ruksha (seco) e laghu (leve), Grahi (Grahi significa segurar algo.)
    definição de qualidade ruksh são aqueles que absorvem algo que se chama qualidade seca. Is coffee healthy? - CNN
  • o café tem tikta ras (amargo) e, de acordo com o Ayurveda, o amargo sabor é o sabor mais seco dos 6 sabores.
  • quando uma pessoa bebe diariamente café que cria secura na qualidade do intestino e do grahi, mantendo as fezes, o que leva à constipação crônica. a evacuação é função do apana vata que fica anormal.Can adding ghee to your diet help you fight constipation ...
  • pessoas vata o pitta prakriti sofrem mais com café do que com kaph.
  • Muitas pessoas tomam muito tratamento para a constipação, mas não obtiveram cura porque, de acordo com a Ayurveda primeiro temos que para o fator causal da doença e dar ao tratamento oposto a qualidade do fator causal, pois somente uma pessoa pode obter a cura. e algumas pessoas são curadas apenas pela interrupção do consumo do fator causal, sem necessidade de remédios. se você tem constipação do que parar de beber café.
  • o consumo excessivo habitual de café é um fator causal de constipação, mandagni, aumento de vata e pitta. 
  • mesmo café se tomarmos uma qualidade pequena (20 ml)  do que aumentar o agni e manter a direção do vata para baixo, que é a direção normal do vata, em sânscrito chamado anulomaan.
  • pessoas vata ou pitta prakruti devem evitar o consumo de café habitualmente. 



Medico Ayurvedico (India)

Instagram – drgauravdavee




Аюрведический протокол для предотвращения covid 19

Аюрведа – 5000-летняя индийская медицинская наука, специально созданная для спасения человечества от пандемии, такой как коронавирус либолюбого другого вируса.
Аюрведа имеет 2 важные цели

  1. Поддерживать здоровье здоровых людей (Профилактика)
  2. Лечение болезней, от которых страдает человечество

Вкратце мы должны понять концепцию иммунитета в соответствии с Аюрведой.

Наше тело состоит из 7 Dhatus (тканей)

Concept of Dhatus (Seven Tissues) in Ayurveda | Sapta Dhatus

7 Dhatus (тканей)

  1. Ras (лимфатическая система)
  2. Rakt (кровеносная система)
  3. Maus (Мышечная ткань)
  4. Medh (жировая ткань)
  5. Asthi (костная ткань)
  6. Majja (костный мозг / нервная система)
  7. Sukra (репродуктивная система сперматозоидов и яйцеклетки)

Ayurvedic Approach to Indigestion and Concept of Agni by Savitha Suri

Всякий раз, когда пища или напиток, попадает к нам в желудок, запускается процесс метаболизма, производимый «AGNI» (пищеварительный огонь), который является наиболее важным фактором для нашего здоровья. После этого из питательной части продуктов получают экстракт, называемый AHAR Ras, которая дает питание всем 7 упомянутым выше тканям и, наконец, получает экстракт OJAS, который является сущностью всех 7 тканей, и наш иммунитет зависит от качества этогоэкстракта, называемого OJAS.
если мы хотим улучшить иммунитет, мы должны защищать нашуAGNI, которая является пищеварительным огнем.

В древнем тексте упоминаются некоторые важные вещи, которые следует соблюдать.

OM Mantra Meditation Music | 8 Hours+ of Chants - YouTube

  • 30-минутные упражнения в домашних условиях в форме йоги или выполнениясурьянамаскар (приветствие солнца), практики мантры ОМ 3 раза в день или простая растяжка мышц,согласно Аюрведеувеличивают пищеварительный огонь, который отвечает за хорошее качество OJAS и приводит к повышению иммунитета.
  • Мы должны есть только тогда, когда еда после приема пищи перевариться полностью, что означает, что мы должны есть только тогда, когда мы чувствуем действительно сильный голод. Если вы не чувствуете себя голодным, не ешьте ничего, потому что ощущение голода является признаком того, что предыдущая пища усвоилась.

It is not enough to boil water - Zeolites

  • когда хочется пить, пейте горячую или теплую воду. Согласно упоминаниям в аюрведических древних текстах, метод приготовления кипящей воды очень специфичен. Нам нужно кипятить воду до тех пор, пока количество не станет равным половине исходного качества. Это означает, что 2 литра воды нужно вскипятить до получения 1 литра. Эта вода помогает нам поддержать пищеварительный огонь и повысить наш иммунитет.

Yeast Raisin Rolls Recipe

  • если вы чувствуете себя голодным с утра во время завтрака вы можете есть папайю, изюм или гранат, количество зависит от интенсивности голода. Если вы не голодны, дождитесь,когда вы сильно проголодаетесь, тогда приступайте к обеду

What's the Difference Between an Herb and a Spice? | Britannica

  • При приготовлении обеда или ужина следует использовать специи, такие как топленое маслогхи, тмин, кориандр, имбирь, чеснок, листья карри, порошок куркумы, черный перец, потому что это защищает нашу дыхательную систему от инфекций.
  • Всегда начинайте прием пищи с употребления 2 небольших кусочков чеснока, обжаренных в топленом маслегхи( идеально годичной выдержки), либо в любом другом, и 2 небольших кусочков свежего имбиря, затем можно съесть зеленый маш(узбекская чечевица), коричневый или красный рис, тыкву , зеленый горошек, бобы, баклажан, морковь, лук, чеснок, пажитник, спаржу, суп «мунг дал» из маша или овощи.
  • Используйте гималайскую соль для приготовления пищи, которая, согласно Аюрведе, лучше всего подходит для здоровья.
  • Гудучи(Тиноспорасердцелистная),можно использовать отваргудучи 20 мл один раз утром либо 2-4 г порошка разведенные с теплой водой.
Guduchi | Giloy | Amruthbali | Tippa Tiga | Tinospora cordifolia ...
  • 20 мл отвара из смеси базилика + корицы + черного перца + имбиря либо его порошка.
  • Наносите кунжутное масло или топленое масло в ноздри утром и вечером.
  • Утром после чистки зубов полощите ротовую полостькунжутным маслом в течение 2–5 минут ежедневно.
  • Утром и ночью дышите парами горячей воды, смешанными с эвкалиптовым маслом.
  • Окуривайте ваш дом сухими листьями ниима(Azadirachta indica) либо горчичными семенами один либо два раза в день.
  • Не спать после обеда или в дневное время.
  • Старайтесь избегать продуктов приготовленных из кукурузы, молока или молочных продуктов, например: сыра, мороженого, творога, прохладительных напитков, соков, алкоголя, мяса, рыбы, курицы.
  • В обед мы должны есть меньше чем нам хочется.
  • После обеда медленно сделайте 100 шагов по дому.
  • Готовьте свежую еду каждый день, не ешьте несвежую пищу.

Следуйте этим правилам и будьте здоровы в этом критическом положении.

Ссылка на древние трактаты – “Charak samhita, Shurshrut samhita, Yogratnakar”.

– Dr.Gaurav Davee

International Ayurveda physician

Instagram – drgauravdavee

FB- Gaurav Dave
е-мейл – grafotreat@hotmail.com

(Перевел Денис Лёвкин)

Protocolo ayurvédico para la prevención de COVID 19

Ayurveda es una ciencia médica india de 5000 años de antigüedad, que se produjo especialmente para salvar a la humanidad de una pandemia como el virus corona u otro virus.
Ayurveda tiene 2 objetivos importantes

  • Mantener la salud de las personas sanas (Prevención)
  • Cura las enfermedades por las cuales la humanidad sufre

primero tenemos que entender el concepto de inmunidad según Ayurveda.

Concept of Dhatus (Seven Tissues) in Ayurveda | Sapta Dhatus
7 Dhatu (tejidos)

Nuestro cuerpo formado por 7 Dhatus (tejidos)

  • Ras (sistema linfático)
  • Rakt (sistema circulatorio)
  • Maus (sistema muscular)
  • Medh (grasa)
  • Asthi (sistema esquelético)
  • Majja (médula ósea / sistema nervioso)
  • sukra (sistema reproductivo espermas y óvulos)
Ayurvedic Approach to Indigestion and Concept of Agni by Savitha Suri

Cada vez que ingerimos alimentos o bebidas van al estómago donde son metabolizados por el “AGNI” (fuego digestivo), que es el factor más importante para nuestra salud. Después de esto, se obtiene una forma llamada AHAR RAS (que es la parte nutricional de los alimentos. Esta proporciona nutrición a los 7 tejidos que se mencionaron anteriormente y finalmente obtiene la forma OJAS , que es la esencia de los 7 tejidos y nuestra inmunidad depende de la calidad de esta esencia llamada OJAS.
Si queremos la mejor inmunidad tenemos que proteger nuestro AGNI, que es el fuego digestivo. En textos antiguos se mencionan algunas cosas importantes como :

OM Mantra Meditation Music | 8 Hours+ of Chants - YouTube
  • Ejercicio de 30 minutos en el casa en forma de yoga o suryanamakar (saludos al sol), práctica del MANTRA OM 3 veces o estiramiento muscular porque según el Ayurveda, el ejercicio aumenta el fuego digestivo, que es responsable de la buena calidad del ojas, lo que aumenta la inmunidad y vigor.
  • Deberíamos comer solo cuando nuestra comida anterior se digiera bien, lo que significa que tenemos que comer solo cuando sentimos un hambre realmente fuerte. Si no tiene hambre, no coma nada porque la sensación de hambre es una indicación de que la comida anterior se digirió.It is not enough to boil water - Zeolites
  • cuando tenga sed, beba agua caliente o agua tibia. Según el método de Ayurveda para hacer agua hirviendo, se menciona muy específicamente en el texto antiguo. Tenemos que hervir agua hasta que la cantidad permanezca a la mitad de la calidad original, lo que significa que 2 litros de agua tienen que hervir hasta obtener 1 litro, esta agua nos ayuda a proteger el fuego digestivo y aumentar Nuestra inmunidad.

    Yeast Raisin Rolls Recipe
  • Si tenemos hambre en el desayuno, podemos comer papaya o pasas o granada, la cantidad depende de nuestra intensidad de hambre. Si no tiene hambre, espere hasta sentir hambre fuerte que directamente puede almorzar.What's the Difference Between an Herb and a Spice? | Britannica
  • Al cocinar el almuerzo o la cena debe usar especias como Ghee, comino, coriandror, jengibre, ajo, hojas de curry, polvo de cúrcuma, pimienta negra porque esto protege nuestro sistema respiratorio de las infecciones.
  • Siempre comience ambas comidas comiendo 2 pedazos pequeños de ajo frito en manteca o aceite y 2 pedazos pequeños de jengibre fresco.Puede comer moong dal (verde), arroz integral o rojo, manteca (si tuviera un año sería bueno) calabaza, berenjena, zanahorias, cebolla, ajo, fenogreco, espárragos, sopa de moong dal o vegetales.
  • Use sal del Himalaya para cocinar, que considera mejor para la salud de acuerdo con Ayurveda.

    Guduchi | Giloy | Amruthbali | Tippa Tiga | Tinospora cordifolia ...
    GUDUCHI (Tinospora cordifolia)
  • Puede usar decocción 20 ml una vez en la mañana de Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) o polvo de 2 a 4 g con agua tibia
  • 20 ml de decocción compuesta de una mezcla de albahaca + canela + pimienta negra + jengibre fresco o en polvo
  • Aplique aceite de sésamo o Ghee en las fosas nasales por la mañana y por la noche.
  • Después de lavarse los dientes por la mañana, haga gárgaras con aceite de sésamo durante 2 a 5 minutos diarios.
  • Mañana y noche toman vapores de agua caliente mezclados con aceite de eucalipto

    Neem Leaves, Packaging Type: Packet, Rs 60 /kilogram, The Indian ...
    NEEM (Azadirecta Indica)
  • Haga la fumigación en casa con hojas secas del árbol de neem (Azadirecta india) o semilla de mostaza una o dos veces al día.
  • No duermas después del almuerzo o durante el día.
  • Trate de evitar los alimentos elaborados con maíz, leche o productos lácteos, como queso, helado, cuajada, bebidas frías, jugos, alcohol, carne, pescado, pollo.
  • Deberíamos comer menos que nuestro hambre en la cena.
  • Después de la cena, camine lentamente 100 escalones en la casa.
  • Cocine fresco todos los días, no coma alimentos rancios.

Referencia de texto classico – Charak samhita , Shushrut samhita and yoga ratnakar
Nota – No te preocupes por esta situación actual porque Ayurveda está con nosotros, sigue esto y mantente saludable en esta condición crítica.


  • Medico ayurvédico (INDIA)

si quieres saber más sobre el ayurveda sigue

  • instagram – drgauravdavee
  • FB – Gaurav Dave
  • Email – grafotreat@hotmail.com

(revisión de traducción Terapeuta Maria Belen Sancho Alexandre, belealexandre@hotmail.com, FB – Maria bele terapeuta)

Protocolo ayurvédico para aumentar a imunidade em Covid 19 pandêmico

    Ayurveda é a ciência médica indiana antiga que existe no mundo desde os últimos milhares de anos, mesmo antes da presença da ciência médica moderna, produzida especialmente para salvar a humanidade de uma pandemia como o vírus corona ou outro vírus o bactérias.
Ayurveda tem 2 objetivos importantes
● Manter a saúde de pessoas saudáveis (prevenção)
● Curar doenças pelas quais a humanidade sofre
Primero temos que entender o conceito de imunidade segundo o Ayurveda.
Nosso corpo é composto por 7 Dhatus (tecidos)
Concept of Dhatus (Seven Tissues) in Ayurveda | Sapta Dhatus
  1. Ras (sistema linfático)
  2. Rakt (sistema circulatório)
  3. Maus (sistema muscular)
  4. Medh (gordura)
  5. Asthi (sistema esquelético)
  6. Majja (medula óssea / sistema nervoso)
  7. sukra (esperma e ovem do sistema reprodutivo)


Ayurvedic Approach to Indigestion and Concept of Agni by Savitha Suri
Sempre que comemos ou bebemos alimentos que vão para o metabolismo estomacal de alimentos feitos por “AGNI” (fogo digestivo), que é o fator mais importante para a nossa saúde. depois disso, parte nutricional dos alimentos recebe um formulário chamado AHAR Ras, que fornece nutrição para todos os 7 tecidos mencionados acima e finalmente obtém o formulário OJAS, que é a essência dos 7 tecidos e nossa imunidade depende da qualidade dessa essência chamada OJAS ..
se queremos melhor imunidade, temos que proteger nosso agni, que é o fogo digestivo. No texto antigo, mencionamos algumas coisas importantes como segue.
OM Mantra Meditation Music | 8 Hours+ of Chants - YouTube
  • 30 minutos de exercícios (Vyayam) em casa, na forma de yogasana, Pranayam ou suryanamakar (saudações ao sol), prática do MANTRA OM 3 vezes ou alongamento muscular, porque, segundo o Ayurveda, o exercício é aumentar o fogo digestivo, responsável pela boa qualidade dos ojas, o que aumenta a imunidade.
● Só devemos comer quando nossa refeição anterior bem digerida significa que só devemos comer quando sentirmos uma fome muito forte. Se não sentir fome, não coma nada, porque a sensação de fome é uma indicação de que a refeição anterior foi digerida.
It is not enough to boil water - Zeolites
● sempre que sentir sede, beba água quente ou água morna. De acordo com Ayurveda o método de produção de água a ferver, é muito específico mencionado no texto antigo. Temos de ferver a água até que a quantidade permaneça metade da qualidade original significa que 2 litros de água precisam ferver até obter 1 litro de água, que ajuda a proteger o fogo digestivo nossa imunidade.
● Se sentir fome no café da
Yeast Raisin Rolls Recipe
uva passas (preta)
manhã do que podemos comer papaia ou uva passas (preta) ou romã, quandiant dependendo da nossa intensidade da fome. Se não sentir fome do que esperar até sentir uma fome forte do que diretamente pode almoçar.
What's the Difference Between an Herb and a Spice? | Britannica
● Enquanto estiver cozinhando o almoço ou o jantar, use temperos como ghee, cominho, corriender, gengibre, alho,pó de açafrão , pimenta preta , porque isso protege nosso sistema respiratório de infecções.
● Sempre comece a refeição com 2 pedaços pequenos de alho fritos em ghee ou óleo e 2 pedaços pequenos de gengibre fresco que podem comer moong dal verde (feijão moyashi) , arroz integral ou vermelho, (se um ano de idade seria bom), ghee, abóbora,brinjel, cenoura, cebola, alho, feno-grego, aspargos, sopa de feijão moyashi)
ou legumes.
● Use sal do Himalaia para cozinhar, que considera melhor para a saúde, de acordo com o Ayurveda.
Guduchi | Giloy | Amruthbali | Tippa Tiga | Tinospora cordifolia ...
GUDUCHI (Tinospora cordifolia)
● Pode usar decocção de 20 ml uma vez na manhã de Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) ou pó de 2 a 4 g com água morna
● Decocção de 20 ml composta por mistura de manjericão + canela + pimenta preta + gengibre fresco ou em pó
● Aplique óleo de gergelim ou ghee nas narinas de manhã e à noite.
● Depois de lavar os dentes de manhã, gargareje com óleo de gergelim por 2 a 5 minutos diariamente.
● Manhã e noite, tomam vapores da água quente com mistura de óleo de eucalipto.
Neem Leaves, Packaging Type: Packet, Rs 60 /kilogram, The Indian ...
NEEM (azadirachta indica)
● fazer fumigação de folhas secas de nim (azadirachta indica) ou mostarda que podemos usar para fumigação. Uma o dois veces a dia na casa.
● Não durma depois do almoço ou durante o dia.
● Tente evitar alimentos fabricados com milho ou leite ou derivados, como queijo, sorvete, yogurt, bebida gelada, suco, álcool, carne, peixe, frango.
● devemos comer menos do que a nossa fome no jantar.
● Depois do jantar, caminhe lentamente 100 passos em casa.
● Cozinhe fresco todos os dias, não coma alimentos estragados.
● mantenha distância social, o que também foi dito pela medicina moderna, o mesmo Ayurveda disse em 5000 anos atrás.
Referencia de text antigo – Charak samhita, Sushrut samhita, Yogaratnakar
Nota – Não se preocupe com esta situação porque o Ayurveda está conosco, siga isso e seja saudável nessa condição crítica. gostaria de fazer um pedido especial a todos os leitores, compartilhe este blog com o máximo  pessoas. 
– Dr.Gaurav Davee
Medico Ayurvedico (India)
para mais conhecimento sobre ayurveda siga
Instagram – drgauravdavee
FB – Gaurav Dave
Email – grafotreat@hotmail.com

आयुर्वेदानुसार निरोगी आरोग्याची पंचसूत्री

       आयुर्वेद जगातील सर्वात प्राचीन भारतीय वैद्यकीय शास्त्र आहे. आयुर्वेद हे नाव सर्वांमध्ये प्रचलित आहे पण आयुर्वेद बद्दल भारतीय लोकांमध्ये अज्ञान आहे , अहो भारतीय आपलं स्वतःच शास्त्र असून सुद्धा त्याचा बद्दल आपल्याला सखोल ज्ञान नाही किंवा जे काही थोडं असावं ते सुद्धा चुकीचं असत. का चुकीच असतं तर आपण ते ज्ञान तज्ञ व्यक्तीकडून आत्मसाद केलं नसत तर ते 4 लोकांना कडून ऐकलं असत , आपल्या देशात मोफतचा चुकीचा सल्ला देणाऱ्यां कमी बिलकुल नाही ते आपल्याला आजू बाजूला चौकाचौकात दररोज भेटतात आणि आपण त्याच बोलणं एकदम मन लावून ऐकतो आणि घरी जाऊन उत्साहाने तो सल्ला पाळणे चालू करतो परिणामी त्याचा फायदा होत नाही तर नुकसान होत त्यामुळे जनसमुदायमध्ये आयुर्वेदाची प्रतिमा खराब होते स्वकर्मा मुळेच, तर कृपया अस काही करू नका तज्ञ व्यक्ती कडून आयुर्वेद सल्ला आपल्याला पर्येंत पोहोचावा यासाठी मी हा लेख लिहीत आहे. जगाच्या पाठीवर प्रचंड पैसे कमावणारे लोक आपल्याला भरपूर भेटतील पण आरोग्य कमावणारे आपल्याला भेटणारे तसे दुर्मिळच. तर आयुर्वेदद्वारे आपण जाणून घेऊ या आरोग्य कसे कमवावे. 

        आयुर्वेद शास्त्राचे उद्दिष्ट आहे की निरोगी व्यक्तीच्या आरोग्यचे रक्षण करणे आणि रुग्णाला आजारमुक्त (व्याधीमुक्त) करणे. आयुर्वेदच्या तत्वानुसार “अग्नि” नावाची संकल्पना आहे. आयुर्वेद सांगत की “सर्व आजाराचे मूळ हे मंद अग्नि” म्हणजेच याचा दुसरा अर्थ असा होतो की आपलं आरोग्य हे अग्निवर अवलंबून आहे, जर आपल्याला आरोग्य जपायचं किंवा कमवायच असेल तर आपण आपल्या अग्नीच प्रयत्न पूर्वक रक्षण केले पाहिजे.” आपण जे दररोज आहार सेवन करतो त्याच पचन योग्य प्रकारे करून त्या आहाराचे योग्य परिणमन करून संपूर्ण शरीर, इंद्रियें आणि मन याना पोषण द्यायचे काम अग्नि मार्फत होत असते आणि जेव्हा अग्नि मंद होतो तेव्हा आपल्याला आजार होतात आणि अग्नि नष्ट झाला आपला अंत होतो अस चरक संहिता मध्ये लिहिलं आहे. आंतरराष्ट्रीय स्तरावर 9 देशामध्ये आयुर्वेद प्रचार आणि प्रसार करताना 5 महत्वाचे गोष्टी माझ्या निरीक्षणात आल्या त्या जर आपण सांभाळल्या तर आपलं आरोग्य आपल्या खिश्यात राहू शकते.

1) व्यायाम – नित्य सकाळी लवकर व्यायाम करणे आरोग्यास अत्यंत उपयोगी आणि महत्वाचे आहे. का हो अस ?
आयुर्वेदमध्ये अष्टांग हृदय नावाचा महत्वाच्या ग्रंथ मधील हा संदर्भ
लाघवं कर्मसामर्थ्यं दीप्तोऽग्निर्मेदसः क्षयः।
विभक्तघनगात्रत्वं व्यायामादुपजायते॥१०॥
व्यायाम केला की शारीर हलके वाटते, उत्साह वाढतो , कार्य कार्य करण्याची क्षमता वाढते, दीप्त अग्नि म्हणजे व्यायाम केल्याने आपला भुकेचा अग्नि एवढा सक्षम होतो की दिवस भरात आपण जो काही आहार सेवन करू तो योग्य पचवून त्याच उत्तम पोषक आहार रसात रूपांतर करुन शरीराचे आणि मनाचे पोषण करतो त्याच बरोबर शारीरिक सुदृढता सुद्धा व्यायामाने मिळते.


पण व्यायाम कसा असावा ?
दररोज 30 तर 40 मिनिटे फास्ट वाकिंग हा उत्तम व्यायाम. व्यायाम हा वातानुकूलित जागेत करू नये. आणि स्त्रियांनी किंवा तरुण मुलींनी मासिक पाळीमध्ये व्यायाम करू नये.

2) अत्यम्बुपान – जास्त मात्रेत जल सेवन करणे हे भुकेचा अग्नी मंद करण्याचे प्रमुख कारण आहे. बऱ्याच लोकांना सकाळी उठल्यावर 1 ते 3 ग्लास पाणी प्यायची सवय असते. त्याचा समज अस आहे मी सकाळी उठून भरपूर पाणी प्यायलो की पोट साफ होत आणि शारीरिक शुद्धी होते. आपलं गैरसमज मला मला दूर करावासा वाटतो की सकाळी उठून तहान नसताना भरपूर प्रमाणात जल सेवन केलं तर ते अग्नी मंद करायचे प्रमुख कारण आहे. जर जल सेवन करायचे असल्यास तहान लागल्यास करावे व ते कोमट किंवा उष्ण असावे आणि सकाळी जल सेवन करायचे असल्यास ते सूर्य उदया पूर्वी करावे जर तहान लागल्यास.


किती लिटर पाणी दिवस सेवन करावे ?

कोणी किती लिटर पाणी प्यावे हे अंकात न सांगता जेव्हा जेव्हा तहान लागेल तेव्हा तेव्हा कोमट किंवा गरम जल सेवन करावे. प्रत्येकाचे शरीर आणि प्रत्येकाच्या गरजा या एकमेकांपेक्षा वेगळ्या आहेत.
उदाहरणार्थ – जेवढे पाणी एका एका खेळाडू ला दिवसभरात गरजेचे आहे तेवढेच पाणी एका वातानुकूलित कार्यालयात बसून काम करणाऱ्याला कर्मचाऱ्याला लागणार नाही त्याचा शरीराची गरज वेगळी आहे. त्यामुळे सध्या समाजात जो सरसकट सर्वाना ४ ते ६ लिटर पाणी सेवन करा असा एकच सल्ला दिला जातो तो चुकीचा आहे कारण त्या अधिक पाण्याच्या सेवनाने शरीरातील पचनसंस्थेचा अग्निमंद होते आणि हे सातत्याने झाले तर त्यापासून अजीर्ण , अम्लपित्तसारखे पचन संस्थेचे आजार उद्भवतात.  फ्रीज मधील जलाचे सेवन शक्यतो टाळावे. भोजन सेवन करत असताना नेहमी जलसेवन कोमट किंवा उष्ण जेवणामध्ये थोडे थोडे करावे जे अमृत समान कार्य करते,भोजन पूर्वी जलाचे सेवन अजीर्ण करते, आणि भोजननंतर जल सेवन विष समान कार्य करते म्हणून नेहमी भोजनमध्ये थोडे थोडे जल सेवन करावे.

3) अध्यशन – अध्यशन हा संस्कृत शब्द आयुर्वेद ग्रंथात बऱ्याच ठिकाणी वारंवार आला आहे त्याच अर्थ असा आहे की पूर्वीच्या अन्नाचे योग्य पचन होण्याआधीच पुढच्या अन्नाचे सेवन करणे. हे कारण ज्यास्त प्रमाणात जगात आढळले जाते, कारण आयुर्वेद सांगतो की जेव्हा भूक लागेल तेव्हाच अन्नाचे सेवन करा, पण आपण वेळ झाली म्हणून आता जेवण केलं पाहिजे या विचाराने भोजन करतो पण जेव्हा भूक लागली नसते तेव्हा भोजन करू नये कारण भूक लागणे हे आधीचे अन्न पचण्याचे लक्षण आहे आणि ते जो पर्येंत जाणवत नाही तो पर्येंत भोजन करू नये जर तसे सातत्याने केलं तर अग्निमंद होतो आणि व्यक्ती रुग्ण बनतो म्हणून आपल्या भुकेच्या अग्निकडे लक्ष जरूर द्या आणि अध्यशन टाळा.


4) विषमाशन –
गरजेपेक्षा अति किंवा कमी किंवा अयोग्यवेळी भोजन सातत्याने करणे म्हणजे विषमाशन.
जे नोकरी करणारे मंडळी आहेत त्यामध्ये हे कारण सातत्याने आढळते कारण त्यांना जेवायची एक फिक्स वेळ दिली जाते त्यात त्यानं जेवण करावं लागत त्यावेळी त्यांना भूक असली किंवा नसली तरी , त्याचप्रमाणे लोकांना भोजन करतात दूरदर्शन पाहता किंवा मोबाईल हाताळता जेवायची सवय असते त्यामुळे न कळत का होईना पण कमी किंवा ज्यास्त जेवतो. काम करत असताना भूक लागते पण कामात मग्न असल्यामुळे आपण जेवण करत नाही पण जेव्हा नंतर जेवायला बसतो तेव्हा भुकेचा अग्नी मंद झाला असतो पण जेवन मात्र आपण त्यात मात्रेत करतो. या सर्व कारणांमुळे आपण विषमाशन आवर्जून टाळावे .


5) विरुद्ध आहार –
विरुद्ध आहार ही संकल्पना फक्त आयुर्वेद शास्त्रात लिहिली आहे . जे अन्न शरीरातील दोष, धातू, मल याना दुष्ट करते किंवा विकृत करते ते म्हणजे विरुद्ध आहार .
उदाहरण –
दुधाचा चहा किंवा बिस्किटे किंवा चपाती एकत्र करून खाणे हे आपल्याकडे सर्वात जास्त प्रमाणात घेतला जाणार विरुद्ध आहार आहे. फक्त 15 दिवस चहा बंद करून पहा काय फरक पडतोय तुमच्या प्रकृती मध्ये .
2) फळ आणि दूध एकत्र करून सातत्याने सेवन करणे.
3) वजन कमी करण्याच्या उद्देशाने दररोज सकाळी गरम पाणी + मध सेवन करणे .
4) भात शिजवताना त्यात मीठ टाकणे.
अजून बरेच उदाहरण आहेत पण ही उदाहरण सातत्याने सेवन केली जाणारी आहेत. ती जर आपण करत असू तर त्याचे सेवन करू नये .

या वरील 5 गोष्टी कडे जर आपण आपल्या दैनंदिन जीवनात लक्ष दिलं तर आपलं आरोग्य नक्कीच उत्तम राहील पण जे लोक आमच्याकडे वेळ नाही असे स्वतःची समजूत काढून लक्ष देत नाहीत तेच लोक पुढे जाऊन इमर्जनसी परिस्थितीला समोरो जातात आणि त्यावेळी त्यांना आई.सी.यु मध्ये झोपायला वेळ काढावा लागेतोच त्यामुळे योग्य वेळीच जागे व्हा आयुर्वेदाची कास धारा आणि आरोग्य कमवा , पैसातर आयुषभर कमवायचा तर आहेच,फक्त पैसेच्यामागे आरोग्याला विसुर नका.”

टीप – वाचकांना विनंती आहे की आयुर्वेद लोकांपर्येंत पोहोचवण्यासाठी या ब्लॉगची लिंक ज्यास्तीतज्यास्त लोकांबरोबर शेअर करा.

  • डॉ. गौरव दवे (आयुर्वेदाचार्य)
    आंतरराष्ट्रीय आयुर्वेद फीजीशीयन
    डिरेक्टर – डॉ. दवे आयुर्वेद पंचकर्म वेलनेस क्लिनिक.
    पनवेल , महाराष्ट्र.
    कॅन्सलटिंगसाठी – 8898888525 (पूर्वनियोजित वेळेनुसार)



44 habits that can disturb your health according to Ayurveda.

If do you have any one of the following habits than it can disturb your health sooner or later, according to Ayurveda.

1) Nitya Avyayam –  Daily No exercise,  hate exercise, late wake up in morning. 

2) Atyambhupan – the Excessive drinking of water at a time. (Especially after wake in morning) 

3) Dugdhpaan – the Habitual drinking of excessive Tea + Milk or Milk + breakfast.

4) Morning 8 am Breakfast and 9 am lunch 

5) Habitual eating of Banana, cashew nuts, Figs, Almond even without a digested previous meal. 

6) Drinking water before the meal.

7) Drinking water immediately after a meal ( 500-700ml), or drinking water after straight 1 hour (500ml).

8) Eating fruits after a meal.

9) Not eating anything during the sensation of hunger.

10) Daytime sleep after the meal.

11) Only drinking water till a lunch or a dinner without eating anything

12) Morning milk for breakfast and 10 am lunch.

13) Having fruits or fruit juices in the afternoon

14)  Having tea or milkshakes in the afternoon

15) Consuming junk food in the evening without having the previous meal digested and yet having the dinner

16) Drinking of milk 200 ml while bedtime (After dinner)

17) Weekly eat 3 to 4 times 50 to 100 gm peanuts. 

18) Daily Milk + Rice 

19) Daily coconut water

20) Daily intake of 1 or 2 cucumbers.

21) Daily consumption of Curd.

22) Daily Jaggery  or Jalebi, Pedha, Rabadi (Indian sweets)

23)Excessive of Intake of Paneer (Cottage Cheese).

24) Daily intake of  Peanuts + jaggery.

25) Habitual intake of Sprouts.

26) Daily Limbu Pani (Lime Juice) 

27) Excessive intake of potato, rice.

28) Excessive intake of salt with rice.

29) Habitual intake of Non-veg food. (All types of non-veg food Including eggs)

30) Excessive consumption of Ghee. (If digestive fire is weak)

31) Regular drinking of tea (3-4 times a day)

32) Habitual eating of ice cream.

33) Drinking chilled water

34)  Excessive intake of dairy products and other foods made with milk.

35) Daily consumption of watermelon, muskmelon, cucumber in the summer season.

36) Raw vegetable intake. (without cooked)

37) Raw Sprouts intake minimum 50 gm daily.

38) Daily intake of 20-30gm sesame (til).

39) Excessive sugar intake. 

40) Habitual consumption of urad dal or urad dal foods.

41) An absence of bitter and pungent taste in the meal.

42) Fasting the entire day and breaking it with a heavy meal in the dinner

43) Only drinking water while fasting the entire day.

44) Consumption of alcohol and smoking.

All Above mentioned habits disturb equilibrium between vata, pitta and kaph which leads to any diseases.

We are trying to propagate Ayurveda such a way that every reader should get authentic knowledge of Ayurved direct from ancient texts so please do share this blog because always “sharing is caring”

“We need to support Ayurveda just like we did with Yoga”

(For Personal Ayurveda Consultation With DR. GAURAV DAVEE

Contact – drgauravdave17@hotmail.com)






What is depend Upon Sleep?

(Nidra – is Sanskrit word which uses in Ancient Ayurveda text for Sleep)

Image result for Nidra

Happiness and unhappiness, proper nourishment or emaciation, strength and debility, sexual power and impotence, knowledge and ignorance, life and its absence (death) – all are dependent on sleep.

Related image

  • Akala Nidra – sleep at the improper time,
  • Atiprasanga – excess sleep
  • Na Nidra – lack of sleep – these three destroys health.

Ratri Jagaran  Keeping awake at nights (avoiding sleep) is dry (causes dryness inside the body),
Divasvapna – sleeping during daytime is unctuous (causes moistness inside) and
Taking a nap in sitting position comfortably (during the day) is neither dry nor unctuous.

Image result for sleep in the afternoon

Sleeping during daytime is beneficial during GRISHAM RUTU (APRIL & MAY), because in that season, Vata undergoes a mild increase, dryness is more, nights are short;
Day sleeping during other seasons causes Kapha and Pitta increase.

Who can have a day sleep?

(DIVASWAP – A word used in Sanskrit for Daytime sleep)

Day sleeping is good for those who are exhausted by excessive speaking, riding, walking, wine, woman (sexual intercourse), carrying heavy load, physical activities, tired by anger, grief and fear, for those suffering from asthma, hiccup, diarrhea, for the aged, the children, the debilitated, the emaciated, those having injury, thirst, abdominal pain, indigestion; those assaulted, those intoxicated, and those who are habituated to day sleep. In them, it maintains the normalcy of the tissues and the Kapha nourishes the body.

Who should not have the day sleep?

Image result for obesity
Obese, in whom Kapha is aggravated, who take regular oily food,
Those who are suffering from poisoning and throat disease patients.

Effect of Sleeping at an improper time?

causes delusion, fever, lassitude, nasal catarrh, headache, dropsy,
oppression in the chest (nausea), obstruction of the tissue pores and weakness of digestive function; for this fasting, emesis, sudation and nasal, medications are the treatment.

What if a person cannot sleep on his ideal time at night?

the person should sleep at the proper time at nights daily as much as desirable and
become habituated to it. If he has kept awake at night due to non-habituation (not accustomed to), he should sleep for half that period, the next morning without taking any food.

Effect of Suppression of sleep (Because of Gadgets like mobile, WhatsApp and FB)

Moha – delusion
Murdha Akshi Gourava – the heaviness of head and eyes
Alasya – laziness, lassitude
Jrumbhika – yawning
Angabhanga – body ache

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Those suffering from very little sleep (or no sleep at all), should indulge in the use of milk, wine, meat soup and curds (as food), oil massage and mild squeezing (of the body), bath, anointing the head, ears and eyes with nourishing oils, comforting embrace by the arms of the wife, harbouring the feeling of satisfaction of having done good deeds and resorting to things which are comforting to the mind as much as desired; these bring about the pleasure of good sleep. For those who follow the regimen of celibacy, who are not very crazy about sexual intercourse and who are contented with happiness, sleep will not be very late than its regular time.


We are trying to propagate Ayurveda such a way that every reader should get authentic knowledge of Ayurved direct from ancient texts so please do share this blog because always “sharing is caring”

“We need to support Ayurveda just like we did with Yoga”

(For Personal Ayurveda Consultation With DR. GAURAV DAVEE

Contact – drgauravdave17@hotmail.com)

manga, problema de cabelo e Ayurveda

Manga para problemas de cabelo? isso é estranho para você? nunca ouviu antes?
Vamos ver como podemos usar manga para problemas de cabelo de acordo com a Ayurveda.
Eu visitei entre 8 a 10 países nos últimos 4 anos. Enquanto viajava nesses países, observei que a Manga era uma fruta comum em todos os lugares (incluindo a Índia), que é a razão pela qual eu decidi escrever um artigo no blog para o indiscutível rei das frutas.
Na Índia, comemos mangas maduras durante a temporada de março a maio. Depois de comer a deliciosa fruta, jogamos a semente na lata de lixo, eis por que não devemos fazer isso. Segundo a Ayurveda, a semente de manga pode ser usada para curar problemas de cabelo e fortalecer o cabelo.
Então, como podemos utilizar a semente para tratamento capilar?
1) Após o consumo, a semente de manga deve ser seca ao sol.
2) Uma vez seca, a cobertura dura da semente deve ser quebrada e a semente cinza será exposta como mostrado na foto.

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3) Recolha o máximo de sementes de cor cinza e faça um pó fino destas sementes com a ajuda de um moedor.
4) Suponha que coletamos 100 g de semente de manga em pó, então temos que misturar a mesma quantidade de pó de Amla, 100 g. você pode encontrar nos mercados (ou sites). (Nome em inglês – groselha indiana, nome latino – Emblica Officinalis).
Image result for amla powder

Image result for amla
5) A mistura acima mencionada e uma pequena quantidade de água deve ser batido para fazer uma pasta (Lepa em sânscrito) e deve ser aplicada no couro cabeludo e no cabelo até secar. (Evite fazer isso durante a noite porque a aplicação de Lepa é contra-indicada durante a noite).

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6) Depois de seco, a cabeça deve ser lavada com água normal (água morna ou fervendo deve ser evitada, pois a água assim de acordo com a Ayurveda é prejudicial para os olhos e cabelos)
7) Para um resultado rápido e significativo, devemos usar a mistura no máximo 5 vezes e na semana e no mínimo 3 vezes.
8) Isso resultará em cabelos mais saudáveis e cabelos mais fortes, o que acabará por reduzir a queda de cabelo e também levar a cabelos mais brilhantes, mais lisos e mais longos.

Image result for mango eat

Então, vamos começar a coletar sementes de manga e pensar duas vezes antes de jogar a semente de manga novamente no lixo.

Estamos tentando propagar Ayurveda de tal forma que todo leitor deve obter conhecimento autêntico do Ayurved diretamente dos textos antigos, por favor, compartilhe esses blogs porque sempre “compartilhar é cuidar” (Sharing is Caring)
“Precisamos apoiar o Ayurveda como fizemos com o Yoga Shastra”

tradução em português pelo “Prof.Mario JP Neto”.

(Para Ayurveda consulta – drgauravdave17@hotmail.com)

Mango, Hair Problems & Ayurveda

Mango for hair problems ? is this strange for you? never heard before?

Let’s see how we can use mango for hair problems according to Ayurveda.

I have visited more than 8 to 10 countries in the last 4 years. While travelling in those countries, I observed that Mango was a common fruit everywhere (including India), which is the reason I decided to write a blog for the undisputed king of fruits.

In India, we eat ripe mangoes during March-May season. After eating the delicious fruit, we throw it’s seed in the dustbin, here is reason why we should not do this. According to Ayurveda, the mango seed can be used to cure hair problems and strengthen the hair.

So how can we utilize the seed for hair treatment?

  1. After consumption,the mango seed should be dried in sunlight.
  2.   Once it is dried, the tough cover of the seed should be broken and grey coloured seed will be exposed as shown in the photo. Image result for mango seed
  3. Collect as much possible Gray colour seed and make fine powder of this seed with help of grinder.
  4. If suppose we collect 100 gm of mango seed powder then we have to mix same quantity of Amla powder that is 100 gm. you can get readymade in the market.  (English name – Indian Gooseberry, Latin Name – Emblica Officinalis). Image result for amla powderImage result for amla
  5. The above mentioned mixture and a small quantity of water should be stirred to make a paste ( Lep in Sanskrit ) and should be applied on the scalp and hair until it dries. ( Avoid doing this in the night because application of Lep is contraindicated at night time).  Image result for amla powder
  6. Once dried, should be washed with normal water.( lukewarm or boiled water should be avoided as this water according to Ayurveda is harmful for eyes and hair)
  7. For the significant fast result, we should use mixture maximum 5 times and in week and minimum 3 times.
  8. This will result in healthier hair and stronger hairroots which will eventually reduce hairfall and also lead to shiny, smoother and longer hair.Image result for mango eat

So let’s start collecting mango seeds & Think twice before throwing the mango seed off in the dustbin again.

We are trying to propagate Ayurveda such a way that every reader should get authentic knowledge of Ayurved direct from ancient texts so please do share this blogs because always “sharing is caring”

“We need to support Ayurveda just like we did with Yog Shastra”

(For Personal Ayurveda Consultation Contact – drgauravdave17@hotmail.com)




In the 21st century often we can see food poisoning is common, so did  Ayurveda give any solution on food poisoning? and Answer is yes. But Ayurveda explained this topic in a different manner. may that can help us in the 21st century.  (In this blog we mentioned Sanskrit words  along with an English translation of words, the intention behind this reader can know Sanskrit words which are our Indian native language)

Ayurveda has 8 specialised branches, out to 8 branches “AGADTANTRA” is one of the important branches which deals with Toxicology.

In ancient time king arranges for the residence of the royal physician near to the palace so that the physician can be vigilant about all things at all times.

The foods and drinks of the king should be protected from poison, because, the King’s health and welfare depend on his food and drink and the health and welfare of the country are dependant on the King.

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Acharyas of Ayurveda did so much deep of study of every thing because of that they mentioned Features of poisoned foods and drinks. They could recognise poisoned food and drink without any advance technology, same way now days also we can use this in daily activity.

Features of poisoned foods and drinks –

Image result for poison in rice

Boiled rice mixed with poison
1) Sandra  – becomes thick,
2) Even when it is boiling, the contends do not overflow from the vessel.
3) Chirena Pachyate – takes a long time to cook,
4) Pakvo bhavati paryushitopama – after cooking it becomes moist and stale, very soon
5) Mayura Kantha Tulyoshma – emits steam with the colour of the peacock’s neck (blue),
6) Moha moorcha prasekakrut – the steams and fumes from the container causes delusion, fainting and excessive salivation.
7) Heeyate varna gandhadyaihi – quickly loses its original colour, odour, taste, texture,
8) Klidyate chandrikachitaha – becomes watery and full of glistening particles.

Image result for poison in dish

The side-dishes dry up quick and become dirty.
reflective images seen in them appear deficient, malformed, abnormal or not seen at all;
froth and lines appear on their surface and edges, threads and bubbles are likely to appear. Raga (sweet syrups), Khandava (sweet puddings), vegetables and meat become broken (liquid and solid portions get separated) and acquire a bad taste.

Image result for poison in meat

  1. Neela Raji Rase – Blue lines appear in meat soup,
  2. Tamra ksheere – coppery red lines in milk
  3. Shyava dadhani – black ones in curds
  4. Peeta Sita takre – yellowish-white lines in buttermilk,
  5. Ghrute paaneeya sannibha – watery lines on ghee,
  6. Mastuni syat kapotabha – pegion like streaks appear on Mastu – Supernatent liquid of curds (whey),
  7. Raji krishna tushodake – blue-black lines on Tusodaka (sour drink prepared from barley husk),
  8. Kaali madya ambhasoho – black lines on wines and water,
  9. Harit taile arunopama – green lines in honey and crimson lines on oils.
  10. Unripe fruits ripen (fast) and ripe ones become overripe and decomposed.
    Substances which are green and dry become dull in appearance and discoloured.
  11. Soft food substances become hard and vice versa.
  12. The flowers of the garland become split at their edges, fade and assume unnatural smell.
  13. Dirty patches appear on cloth (dress and other apparels), its threads and hems fall out.
  14. Vessels prepared from metals, pearls, wood, stone, precious stones etc. become dirty, and lose their smooth touch and lustre.
  15. Mud vessels gain smooth touch and lustre.

Vishada Laksana (features of the person who puts poison)

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The person who is about to poison someone will have
1) Shyava shushka Asya – dry and discoloured face
2) Vilaksho Veekshate dishaha – eccentrically looks in all directions
3) Sveda vepathuman – sweating and tremors
4) Trasta – tired,
5) Bheeta – frightened
6) Skhalati – slips while talking and walking
7) Jrumbhate – yawns frequently

Testing of poisoned foods – Vishanna Pareeksha

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Upon throwing the poisoned food on fire, it emits crackling sound, the flame emits as a single pile, without whirls, the colour of smoke resembles to that of peacock’s neck (glistening blue), sometimes the flame may not come up at all. It will cause emitting of very foul and strong smell

  1. Mriyate Makshikaaha – upon eating such food, bees die
  2. Kaakaha kshaamasvaro bhavet – Crow voice becomes depleted
  3. Parrot, Dathyuha (gallinule bird) and Sarika (Mynah) start hooting at the poisoned food just by seeing it.
  4. Hamsaha praskhalati – Swan changes its gait
  5. Glaanih: jeevenjeevasya jaayate – Chukar gets exhausted
  6. Chakorasya akshivairaagyam – Greeh pheasant’s eyes turn red
  7. Kraunchasya madodaya: – Pond heron becomes intoxicated
  8. Pigeon, Parabhrit (Cuckoo) and Chaktravaaka lose their life
  9. UdvegaM yaati maarjaara: – cat becomes irritated, excited
  10. Shakrun munchati vanara: – monkey defecates

After confirming the poisoned food by above methods, it should be disposed away carefully.

Diseases caused by poisoned food –

External effects:

The touch of poisoned foods produces itching and irritation, burning sensation all over the body, burning sensation at the site of touch, fever, pain, eruptions, loss of tactile sensation, falling of the nails and hairs and swelling.

The treatment shall be bathing (washing), pouring with water processed with anti-poisonous drugs, application of paste of Sevya (Ushira), Candana (sandalwood), Padmaka – Wild Himalayan Cherry (heart wood) – Prunus puddum / cerasoides;, Somavalka, Talisa Patra – Cinnamomum tamala, Kushta (Saussurea lappa), Amrita (Tinospora) and Nata – Valeriana wallichi.

Local effect in oral cavity:

Poisoned food inside mouth causes an excess of salivation, inactivity of the tongue and lips, burning sensation, tingling of the teeth, inability to perceive taste and
the stiffness of the lower jaw.

The treatment shall be mouth gargling with water processed with Sevya – Khus Khus – Vetiveria zizanioides and other drugs mentioned earlier and all other therapies for the mouth which are anti-poisonous.

Reaching stomach it produces sweating, fainting, flatulence, toxicity, giddiness, horripilations, vomiting, burning sensation, loss of movement of the eyes and heart, and appearance of black dots all over the body.
Reaching of the intestines it produces vomiting of many colours, an excess of urination, purgation, drowsiness, emaciation, pallor, enlargement of the abdomen and loss of strength.
For both these conditions the patient should be administered Vamana (emesis) and Virechana (purgation therapies), followed by Nasya (nasal medication), Anjana (collyriums) and drinking of decoction prepared from Haridra – Turmeric Rhizome – Curcuma Longa, and Daruharidra (Berberis aristata), Katabhi – Celastrus paniculata, Guda- jaggery, Sinduvarita, Nispava, Baspika,
Sataparvika, roots of Tanduliyaka, Kukkutanda – hen’s egg and Avalguja – Psoralea corylifolia to relieve the effect of the poison.

Hrid Vishodhana – Gara Visha Chikitsa – Treatment to detoxify heart and to treat chronic poisoning:

When there is poisoning, first vomiting and purgation therapy is conducted to remove remnant poison in the gut. Then, to cleanse and detoxify heart, Tamra bhasma (purified Copper Bhasma)  is administered to the patient. After that, Swarna bhasma (purified Gold Bhasma) is administered for a long period of time. By such Swarna administration for a long time, the body becomes as pure as Gold. The term used for this is ‘Hemapanga’.

Image result for gold bhasma colour

Na Sajjate Hemapange padmapatre ambuvat visham ||

In a person who has been given Purified Gold bhasma for a long time, the poison can not do any harm, to a water drop that can not touch the leaf of the lotus. The person gains long life. The same treatment is followed in Gara Visha (chronic poisoning) also.

Note – Information written on a blog for the knowledge purpose only, one should take advice from nearest Ayurveda physician, do not take any treatment or medication without Ayurveda expert.

We are trying to propagate Ayurveda such a way that every reader should get authentic knowledge of Ayurved direct from ancient texts so please do share this blogs because always “sharing is caring”

“We need to support Ayurveda just like we did with Yog Shastra”